The battle of the rupee government hitting luxury goods, gadgets

 Intelligent high-end phones, LED TVs, high-end electronics and luxury could turn expensive with the government likely to tariffs on certain goods are "non-essential" travel to curb imports, the arrest of the dollar and halt the Rupee slide, a record 61.80 against the dollar hit last week. In addition, the government is likely to take measures to make it easier to get to business, loans from banks abroad that the authorities to announce withdraw tighten precious dollars all the stops. These measures are expected to be announced this week, complete with officials over the weekend, the contours of a strategy to stop the fall of the rupee, according to sources. India is also floated the first of its kind proxy government bonds, the government to dig into the pockets of foreign pension funds and institutional funds to enable deep. This should be the rupee, raising funds for the construction of highways and also test the confidence of international investors in an economic downturn, the aim of the scathing criticism global business has credit. The government has learned finalized the terms of the float as a proxy or quasi-government bonds with several banks. The link is likely to come with a guarantee of return of 9%, will be structured as a sovereign obligation to replace the medium term. Sources also that the RBI may choose to a wide range of instruments, including payments in U.S. dollars of imports amazing for a short period to slow the outflow of dollars. In recent weeks, the government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a series of measures, including the relaxation of investment restrictions for foreign investors in a number of sectors and tighter liquidity and funds for the banks expensive. Finance Minister P Chidambaram had earlier said that the government would "some compression of non-oil imports and not gold, especially non-essential goods," citing examples of coal and electronic equipment to look at.