Finally, a local passenger riding

This week, we grew by a phone. That's Gucci BackPack Bagright, the long-rumored Moto X finally burst onto the scene and it is awesome. But that's not all. We saw the bestest Internet mistake, had a triumphant victory in iOS icon design, explored Henry Ford's lost utopia, and more. day in the Big Apple. But the rocking train kept thwarting the capture of their jostled bodies. To frame the picture, they tried trading the quality of their smartphone's rear camera for the one above the phone's display so they could better preview the picture, but still had trouble composing the shot. Finally, a local passenger riding with them stepped in and offered to take their photo, which he did to their expressions of gratitude. David Bailey backstage for the magazine’s archive.

 Speaking of the day, Sam said, “it was a little daunting to be on stage speaking at the QE Hall, but Alexandra made us all feel comfortable and Lucinda’s stories had us in hysterics. Cara Hermes kelly 22cm bag was sweet and chatty and Charlotte and I rambled on like only hair and makeup can. When it was all over, we said: ‘Oh was that it? When can we do it again?’. Same time again next year?offers a wide variety of advanced customization options, but that’s only scratching the surface of everything you can do with Google’s open source operating system. With root access you can get down to the system level and tweak things to your liking, even going so far as completely replacing the OSbut even better for having a bit of fun –

especially when on shoots and backstage at shows. Case in point, the stir that Sam’s tongue-in-cheek self-portraits, or ‘selfies’, on Instagram have been causing. Catching the attention of Into The Gloss blogger Emily Weiss, she loved his pink windswept fringe… Which one is your favourite?A follow up to last year's very funny YouTube Complaints Department, this year's version is just as funny and just as timely with digs about Felix Baumgartner, your favorite YouTube videos and how YouTube only fixed that views bug to show 301+ and not just 301. Heh. Like last year's, the video is made by Barely… photographed by Karl himself, including the actual forest set from the Louis Vuitton cosmic blossomGrand Palais. Styled by Numero founder and editor-in-chief, Elisabeth Djian, Sam also worked with make-up artist Peter Phillips on uber model Natalia Vodianova and the directive was to make her look just as gorgeous as she was when she walked in the door – just a little bit more enhanced. Sam gave her hair a light run through with tongs, before working in some Batiste dry shampoo for extra texture. which we use our smartphone cameras. Had their phone been Nokia's Lumia 1020 and the stranger not intervened, the 41 megapixels of light-capturing prowess might have gone for naught as the family would've had to rely on the phone's middling front-facing camera.